Reading Messages
New members are automatically set to receive each message to the list as soon as it’s posted. If you’d rather receive a “daily summary”—a single email containing all the messages posted on the previous day, you can change your Google Groups settings or e-mail and ask our administrator to change your delivery option to “Abridged” or to “Combined Updates” (25 messages per email).
To update your settings, just go to!myforums while logged into the account you receive group emails at. You should see a list of the groups that you are a member of under that email address. To the right of each group, there is a dropdown box where you can change your email options to one of four choices:
Don’t send email updates,
Send daily summaries,
Combined updates (25 messages per email), or
Every new message.
Please note that if you select “Don’t send email updates,” you will also not receive emails from the administrator or board members about upcoming Guild events or other important notices. Events are always listed on our Meetings and Events page, and we occasionally use MailChimp to update all members on issues that we regard as extremely important, but the discussion list is our primary way of communicating with members.
You can also read messages on the webpage by going to!forum/edsguild. You must be logged in to the email address that you receive discussion group emails at in order to view this page.
Posting Messages
To post a new message, send it to To reply to a message, simply reply or reply-all as you would to any other e-mail (reply to respond only to the original sender, reply-all to reply to both the sender and all other members on the list).
You can also post from the webpage by going to!forum/edsguild. You must be logged in to the email address that you receive discussion group emails at in order to view this page.
Google Groups emails accept attachments and complicated HTML formatting. Please use discretion, however, and try to keep your styling legible and accessible to all.
Appropriate Content
Be concise in both posting and replying. When replying to a message, quote only what is necessary to understand your reply; delete the rest of the message.
Please don’t engage in any discussion of setting rates. It can be seen as price-fixing, which is currently illegal in online forums such as our discussion list. Be aware that both public and private discussions about specific rates can result in charges of price-fixing.
Jobs are generally posted on our job board (you can post a job to the job board here), but they are also welcome on the list, particularly if you have extra details to add. In commenting on jobs or clients, be aware that some members on the list are clients or potential clients.
If you are having technical difficulties with the list or this website, or you have questions or concerns about your membership, please e-mail Don’t send administrative questions to the entire list.
If your post is off topic (not related to editing or running an editorial business), add “OT:” in the subject line. If someone posts a comment or question that is off topic (OT) and is not meant for group discussion (e.g., “OT: seeking massage therapist referral”), reply to the original author, not to the list, to keep the discussion private. Responses to off-topic discussion that is intended to be public (e.g., “OT: My thoughts on the political rally”) can be posted to the discussion list but should maintain the “OT:” flag. All discussion, whether on topic or off topic, is subject to the Guild’s Code of Conduct.
Since this is a casual, behind-the-scenes place for editors to offer resources to or ask questions of colleagues, please don’t point out typos, correct grammar or spelling in other members’ posts, or make posts or comments that question or mock the literacy or spelling acumen of anyone (editor, client, or stranger) or are in any other way derogatory. Comments regarding application of this policy or any other aspect of Guild management should be addressed to the Guild administrator or president.