About the Guild’s Speakers Bureau

The Speakers Bureau is composed of Guild members who are professional editors who enjoy public speaking and educating the public, including students, writers, and members of the business community, about editing. When presenting or speaking for the bureau, speakers represent the Guild, not their own business interests.

Supported by the Guild’s volunteer board of directors, the Speakers Bureau acts as a liaison between the Guild Speakers and organizations that are interested in having editors speak/educate their members about editing, working with editors, and how editors can support individual writers, business groups, and writer’s groups.

The Speakers Bureau Coordinator (one of several volunteer positions on the board) communicates directly with the Speaker’s Bureau to make sure their needs are being met. The Speakers Bureau Coordinators work with the Outreach Coordinator and the Communications Committee to ensure that all requests for speakers are processed in a timely manner, and the coordinators act as liaisons between the clients and the speakers at the beginning of the speaker placement process.

Interested in Having a Speaker at Your Event or Business?

We are still working on a form for speaker requests. For now, please email info@edsguild.org to be connected with Speakers Bureau representative.

Interested in Joining the Speakers Bureau?

First, read our guidelines for speakers. Then please fill out our application form. Someone from the Speakers Bureau team will get back to you as soon as possible, but it may take a few weeks for us to process applications.

We look forward to hearing from you!