Guild Editor Mentoring Program
Each year, the Editors Guild facilitates several 10-week sessions of one-on-one mentoring for editors. These sessions, which are open to current Guild members at no additional charge, partner experienced editors with editors who are newer to the profession or to a specific niche or skill. Each mentor-mentee pair decides on their goals and their preferences for meetings and communication, and proceeds accordingly. The time commitment can be as much or as little as the pair chooses.
Editors, along with Guild mascot Giant Pencil, posing after a mentoring program happy hour in Seattle.
Some mentors and mentees, by mutual agreement, continue their discussions formally or informally beyond their 10-week session. Mentees may also sign up for additional sessions with new mentors, with the understanding that requests from first-time mentees will be prioritized.
To get started…
Consider What You’d Like to Learn or Contribute:
Editors new to the profession may seek review of their technical skills or coaching on professional or business development. An editor may seek a mentor to help develop a new skill or niche or to move between in-house and freelance work. Many experienced editors enjoy meeting new people, being challenged to put their knowledge and practices into words, and re-engaging with their passion for their work. And some “newbie editors” can offer valuable technical or business development skills gained during previous work experience even to “more experienced” editors.
Talk with Present, Past, and Future Mentors and Mentees:
Go to the Guild’s Meetings and Events page to find events focused on members’ experience of mentoring and being mentored.
Ask Questions:
Read the welcome letter to Guild mentors and mentees. Email the mentoring program coordinator, Margie Banin, at for more information.
The Guild’s Mentoring Program is Open Only to Members
If you are a member, please log in below to access mentor and mentee sign-up forms.