Sherri Schultz

The Northwest Editors Guild community has been deeply saddened by the loss of one of the Guild’s two co-founders, Sherri Schultz.

A small white woman with short brown hair and glasses stands in front of a vinyl banner that reads "Red Pencil in the Woods." She wears a conference namebadge and a red scarf and red necklace over a black dress.

Sherri Schultz in front of a banner for our Red Pencil in the Woods Conference. Photo courtesy of Richard Isaac.

Sherri and Phyllis Hatfield started what was then called the Northwest Independent Editors Guild in 1997 with just eleven members, and in 1999, as the Guild became a little more formal, Sherri built its first website. She was also the Guild's treasurer for some time, and did most of the administrative work involved in keeping the Guild running in the early years, including securing rooms for meetings and reserving booths at events. In addition to her extensive work in helping the Guild to grow into a registered nonprofit and setting us up to become today an organization with more than 400 members across the United States, Sherri was a passionate educator, organizer, and builder of community.

After her unexpected and tragic death in July 2023, our members shared an outpouring of remembrances and thoughts on Sherri’s contributions to the Guild and our community on our private discussion list. Please click here for to read these, and see some of the things that Guild members said about Sherri over the years.

Jen Grogan

In addition to being the Guild's administrator, Jen Grogan is a mother, writer, editor, and web content specialist based out of Seattle. She’s written for Women Write About Comics, The Dream Foundry, and a few other online venues, but has not yet convinced herself to call any of her fiction manuscripts complete. You can find her online at


Andrea Leigh Ptak