

We want to meet your furry, feathered, and scaly editorial assistants! Every Wednesday, the Guild features a new StetPet editorial or writing assistant on our social media channels. StetPet began in the summer of 2017 and has been keeping things cute ever since.

StetPet is open to any editor or writer from anywhere with a canine, feline, avian, rodent, aquatic, or other (living) pet. Virtual fame and ear scratches included.

Share your friend with us in one of the following ways:

Option 1: Email

Send via email to social@edsguild.org:

  • A photo (or two) of your animal editorial assistant

  • Your pet's name

  • One sentence describing how they "help" (or hinder) your editing work

  • Links to any of your social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) so we can tag you (security settings permitting)

Option 2: Twitter

DM the Guild (@EdsGuild) with the info in Option 1


Tweet a photo of your assistant using the hashtag #StetPet, and tag the Guild (@EdsGuild)

Option 3: Facebook

Send a private message the Guild (@EdsGuild) with the info in Option 1


Comment on one of the Guild's StetPet posts with a photo of your assistant

(Note: Most people's Facebook settings are private, so we will not see any posts to your personal page that use the hashtag #StetPet.)